
četvrtak, 24. travnja 2014.

Sempervivum, houseleek, čuvarkuća

This is actually one of the plants that can instantly bring me back to childhood days. My grandmother always had it planted in several places , and I remember how she used to say that the plant is better than any other cure for earache . When you have earache ,take one slip of houseleek , put the fluid in the painful ear, put some cotton and that's it . I came across houseleek recently , saw it growing on the roof of an old house , in the most traditional way for this plant - directly from the tiles . Although I was convinced that  my grandfather or someone else from family have it, I was disappointed with the information that noone have it. How , why , I do not know ... However , I decided , as soon as weather allows it (rainy days take away my desire to wander and collect new plants ) Ill purchase houseleek from exactly where I saw it. Until then I collect information about the medicinal side of houseleek . Did you know that it is a remedy for earache , helps to heal wounds, burns , insect bites , and you can use it to clean the body , improve metabolism , your heartfunction, and also helps with  cysts , fibroids , herpes zoster , erysipelas , freckles , hard skin on the soles of the feet ... the list is long.  You can use it as a tea , cream , juice , tincture or coating. While exploring internet I  found an interesting recipe for the mixture , which is the most used and recommended for action to clean the body especially cysts in women's part of the bodies and breasts .
300 g leaves houseleek
300g real natural honey
Pick some houseleek leaves , wash and grind it in a blender. Mix it with honey and leave in the refrigerator for seven days. You should just mix it occasionally.
After seven days, take one  tablespoon each day  for three times ( morning , during the day and at bedtime ) . You should not stop taking it until you're better , and the treatment lasts from a few weeks to a few months, but the cysts usually disappear after this period .
Finally, a few words about the plant. It is resistant to drought , because its leaves are filled with water reserves and can grow almost everywhere - between the rocks , the rocks , the different soil types , sometimes even on the roofs of houses .

How much is really durable , we will see when I plant it ..

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Ovo je jedna od biljaka koje me zaista mogu vratiti u dane djetinjstva. Baka ju je uvijek imala posađenu na nekoliko mjesta, i sjećam se kako je znala govoriti da je ta biljka bolja od ijednog lijeka za uhobolju. Kad te boli uho, samo otkineš jedan listić čuvarkuće, nakapaš tekućinu u bolno uho, staviš malo vate i to je to. Na čuvarkuću sam naišla nedavno, rasla je na krovu stare kuće, na onaj najtradicionalniji način za ovu biljku – direktno iz crijepa. Iako sam bila uvjerena da ju ili djed ili netko ima, razočarala sam se informacijom da čuvarkuće više nema. Kako, zašto, ne znam... Ipak, odlučila sam, čim vrijeme dopusti (kišni dani oduzimaju mi volju za lutanjem i prikupljanjem novih biljaka) idem u nabavku čuvarkuće upravo ondje gdje sam ju i pronašla. Do tada skupljam informacije o ljekovitim svojstvima kojih je čuvarkuća prepuna. Jeste li znali da je to lijek za uhobolju, pomaže pri zacjeljivanju rana, opeklina, uboda insekata, možete ju koristiti i za čišćenje organizma, poboljšavanje metabolizma, liječi i ciste, miome, herpes zoster, crveni vjetar (erysipelas), pjegice, tvrdu kožu na tabanima... Lista je zaista poduža. Čuvarkuću možete koristiti u obliku čaja, masti, soka, tinkture ili obloga, a istražujući nam pronašla i jedan zanimljiv recept za smjesu koja je najviše korištena i preporučena za djelovanje na ciste u organizmu posebno ciste na ženskim organima i dojkama.
300 g listova čuvarkuće
300 g pravog prirodnog meda
Uberete, operete i sameljete čuvarkuću u blenderu. Smjesu pomiješate s medom i ostavite u hladnjaku sedam dana. Smjesu povremeno promiješajte.
Nakon 7 dana stajanja pripravak uzimate svaki dan tri puta po jednu jušnu žlicu (ujutro, tijekom dana i prije spavanja). Preporuke su da se s konzumacijom ne prestaje, a liječenje traje od par tjedana do par mjeseci ali ciste uglavnom nestaju nakon tog perioda.
Za kraj, još par riječi o samoj biljci. Otporna je na sušu, jer je unutrašnjost njenih listića ispunjena rezervama vode, a može rasti gotovo svuda – između kamenja, na stijenama, na različitim tipovima zemljišta, ponekad čak i na krovovima kuća.
Koliko je zaista izdržljiva vidjet ćemo nakon što ju posadim...

1 komentar:

  1. I am very much happy to share to every viewers that is reading this,I want to inform the whole public of how I got help for my herpes, I wanted this since 6 months ago, I have also taken treatment from some doctor,few weeks back I came on the net to see if I will be able to get any information as to cure my herpes, on my search I saw various testimony of people who was helped by a great man called Dr Akhigbe and without any hesitation, I contacted him, I wrote to him and and he guided me, I asked him for solutions and he started the remedies for me and indeed 3 weeks after I started using the medicine, I was completely happy as it worked for me.I went to the hospital for check up and indeed I was declared negative from my disease, and I also waited again for two weeks and went back to another hospital for check up to be fully sure and to my great surprise I was still declared negative, and I decided to share this great opportunity to those people out there fighting this sickness, You can contact him now for your medicine to cure your diseases, contact his Email; or Whatsapp +2349010754824   website. hpps:drrealakhigbe.weebly.comDr  Akhigbe also cure diseases like..
    HIV,  Herpes , Cancer,  Chronic Disease,  Asthma ,  Parkinson's disease,  External infection,  Als, progeria, common cold,  multiple sclerosis disease,   Nausea, Vomiting or Diarrhea, Heart Disease, meningitis, Diabetes,  Kidney Disease,  Lupus,  Epilepsy,   Stroke,Eczema, Erysipelas Eating Disorder,  Back Pain. etccontact him for your solution.
