
utorak, 13. svibnja 2014.

Elder weekend / Vikend s bazgom

Had a really busy weekend. Saturday I visited local farmers market and I got some nice peppers and purple cabbage seedlings so I had to plant them (and make a new garden bed for it), also was busy with some other stuff I had to do, and I also had to make elder juice. That was on my schedule on Sunday so that’s why I didn’t write about plantain herb ( I promise I’ll get back to that soon). As you can guess today I’ll write about elder tree and elder juice. Do you have elder somewhere near your home? I have more than plenty. Do you like elder juice? I do. Most perfect juice you could ever have is elder juice. Only thing better than that is your own homemade elder juice. If you never tried making it at home, don’t worry it’s quite simply. It’s good for your body too – it helps body release toxics and is good for heart. For some 7 liters of juice (I’m not exactly sure how much because I make lot of juice, but this is basic recipe)which you later mix with water you need 40 elder flowers, 4 kg of sugar, 7 liters of waters, half kilos of lemon and some citric acid. Pick elder tree flowers somewhere away of roads and try to pick nice white ones (especially without bugs on it). When you get home take some bigger pot and put elder tree flowers in it – but clean them from sprigs and petioles. You want only flowers.

you don't want ones with bugs on it

After that, take 3 liters of water and pour it in a pot. You can mix it if you want and leave flowers in water for 24 hours.

Next day, take your sugar and mix it with 4 liters of water until its nice syrupy thing. Leave it until its cool. While you’re waiting for your sugary water to cool down (and it can take some time), take colander and strain water with elder flowers.

As you can see in pictures I used colander and sieve to make sure I get it clean from small flowers and parts of it. When you’re done with that, take some citric acid (I’d say you put 2-3 tea spoons of it) and lemon juice and mix it with that elder flower water. You now only need to mix sugary water into it and that’s it. You can now pour your juice into bottles.  If you want to enjoy it longer, you can put in a freezer. Quick tip for all of you who want to have nice clean face – take juice and mix it with water in 1:3 ratio and clean your face with it.

From elder tree flowers you can also make jelly (I’ll make it soon and tell you more about it then and you can easily dry it to make tea (if you’re going to dry it, have in mind it should not change color and become black). Also, you can use leaves and from elder berries (which you can find on tree, if you didn’t take a flower, in September) you can make nice marmalade and juice but you have to cook them first, since they are poisonous if you eat them raw. About elder berries I’ll talk more in September.
Speaking of elder tree, did you know it’s one of the oldest plants in Europe and it has all kind of herbal uses. Flower, if used as tee is good for curing flu and cold, tonsillitis and all kind of bronchial problems and clean the body from toxics. If you have children with chickenpox give them tea made from elder flowers, it will make recovery go faster.  As I said, you can also use leaves of elder tree – use them when they are fully formed and you can squash them and put them on painful place. You can put it on your temple if you have headache.
For the end of the post quick stroll through my garden


Vikend mi je bio pretrpan. U subotu sam posjetila lokalnu tržnicu i nabavila sadnice paprike i ljubičastog kupusa, pa sam to morala i posaditi (i napraviti novu podignutu gredicu), bila sam zauzeta i nekim drugim stvarima, a morala sam napraviti i sok od baze. To je bilo na nedjeljnom rasporedu, pa zato nisam stigla pisati o trputcu (vratit ću se na tu temu nekad uskoro). Kao što pretpostavljate, danas ću pisati o soku od bazge. Imate li bazgu u blizini svoga doma? Ja je imam i više nego dovoljno. Volite li sok od bazge? Ja obožavam. Najsavršeniji sok ikada. Jedino bolje od njega je sok od bazge koji si sam napravio. Uz to, dobar je i za tijelo – pomaže organizmu u oslobađanju štetnih tvari i dobar je za srce. Za nekih 7 litara soka (nisam točno sigurna koliko, jer uvijek radim puno više soka, ali ovo je osnovni recept) koji kasnije miješate s vodom, potrebno je 40 cvjetova bazge , 4 kg šećera , 7 litara vode , pola kilograma limuna i malo limunske kiseline. Birajte cvijeće bazge koja raste daleko od prometnica i pokušajte ubrati one lijepe bijele (bez raznih bubica na njima ). Kad dođete kući uzmite neku veću posudu i stavite cvijeće u njega - ali očistite ga od grančica i peteljki. Trebate samo cvijeće. Nakon toga, uzmite 3 litre vode i ulijte ju u lonac s bazgom. Možete malo promiješati i ostavite cvijeće u vodi  24 sata. 

 Sljedeći dan, uzmite šećer i pomiješajte ga s 4 litre vode i kuhajte dok se tekućina ne pretvori u sirup. Ostavite da se ohladi. Dok čekate da se voda sa šećerom ohladi  (može potrajati neko vrijeme) , procijedite vodu u kojoj se namakala bazga. Kao što možete vidjeti na slikama ja sam cijedila i kroz ono s velikim i malim rupicama kako bih bila sigurna da sam uklonila sve ostatke cvijeća. Kada ste gotovi, uzmite malo limunske kiseline (rekla bih da stavite 2-3 čajne žličice) i limunov sok i pomiješajte ga vodom od cvjetova bazge. Sada samo trebate dodati šećerni sirup i to je to. Sok sada možete preliti u boce.

Ako želite duže uživati u njemu, spremite ga u zamrzivač. Brzi savjet za sve vas koji želite imati lijepo čisto lice - uzmite sok i pomiješajte ga  s vodom u omjeru 1:3 i s time očistite svoje lice.
Od cvijeća bazge također možete napraviti marmeladu (uskoro mi je u planu i nakon što ju napravim reći ću vam nešto više o tome), a možete ga i jednostavno osušiti i napraviti čaj (pripazite da cvijeće tijekom sušenja ne promijeni boju i ne postane crno) . Također , možete koristiti bazge, a od bobica (možete ih naći na stablima s kojih niste ubrali cvijeće, u rujnu ) možete napraviti pekmez i sok. Bobice prvo morate prokuhati, jer su otrovne ako ih konzumirate sirove. O bobicama bazge više će biti riječi u rujnu.
Govoreći o bazgi, jeste li znali da je to jedna od najstarijih i najljekovitijih biljaka u Europi? Cvijet se koristi za liječenje gripe i prehlade, angina i svih vrsta problema s bronhijama i čisti tijelo od štetnih tvari . Ako imate djecu s vodenim kozicama čaj od bazge ubrzat će njihov oporavak. Kao što sam rekla, možete koristiti i lišće bazge - koristite ih kad su u potpunosti formirani, a možete ih zgnječiti i staviti na bolno mjesto. Ako imate glavobolju, namažite njime sljepoočnice.
Za kraj, brza šetnja kroz moj vrt

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